7. Kaleidoscope: Extreme Lazy JIT
In the previous chapters the code generation took an AST, converted it to LLVM IR, handed the IR to the JIT, which then generated the native code. For a top level anonymous expression that is pretty much all you need. But what if a function is defined but not used (yet)? The process of generating the IR, and then subsequently the native code, is all wasted overhead in such a case. That's not really following through on the "Just-In-Time" part of the JIT. This chapter focuses on resolving that with truly lazy JIT that doesn't even generate the LLVM IR for a function until it is called for the first time.
Performance trade-offs
As with many things in software, there are trade-offs involved. In this case the trade-off is when you JIT compile vs. lazy compile. This choice is a major element to efficient use of a JIT. The more you have to JIT before anything can actually run the slower the application startup is. If you defer too much then the execution slows down as everything needs to compile code. Ultimately, there is no one "right" solution as many factors contribute to the results, including the level of optimizations applied during generation. (e.g. it might achieve better results to generate unoptimized code during startup, and later regenerate optimized versions of the most frequently used code.)
The approach to balancing the trade-offs taken in this chapter is to eagerly compile top level expressions as it is obvious they are going to be called, and discarded afterwards. For function definitions, it isn't clear if the functions will or won't be called. While, the code generation could scan the function to find all functions it calls to generate them all at the same time - there is no guarantee that the input arguments to the function will go through a path that needs them all. Thus, for Kaleidoscope, function definitions are all lazy compiled on first use.
General Concept of Lazy Compilation
The general idea is that the language runtime registers every lazy JIT function with the JIT by name with a callback function to handle generating code for that function. This does two things in the JIT:
- Adds the name to the function symbol table in the JIT
- Creates a stub implementation function in native code that will call back to the JIT when application code calls the function.
The stub is implemented by the JIT to call back into the JIT in a way that includes the information needed to identify the correct function to generate code for. The JIT will do some of it's own internal setup and then call the code generation callback registered by the runtime code generator. This callback is what actually generates the LLVM IR, and ultimately the native code, for the function.
Once the function is generated the generator uses the JIT to update the stub so that, in the future, it will just call to the generated function directly. One somewhat confusing aspect of this is that there are two symbols in the JIT for what is really only one function. One, is the stub that remains at a fixed location (to allow pointer to function patterns to work) the other is the JIT compiled actual implementation of the function. They can't both have the same name so the code generation for the implementation must use a unique name.
Code changes for lazy JIT
Since the lazy JIT registers the callback stub with the function's name when the actual function is generated it needs a new name. So, we add a new helper method to effectively clone a FunctionDefinition AST node while renaming it. This only needs a shallow clone so there isn't a lot of overhead for it.
private static FunctionDefinition CloneAndRenameFunction( FunctionDefinition definition )
// clone the definition with a new name, note that this is really
// a shallow clone so there's minimal overhead for the cloning.
var newSignature = new Prototype( definition.Signature.Location
, definition.Signature.Name + "$impl"
, definition.Signature.Parameters
var implDefinition = new FunctionDefinition( definition.Location
, newSignature
, definition.Body
, definition.LocalVariables.ToImmutableArray( )
return implDefinition;
The name used is the original function name plus the suffix $impl
tacked onto the end.
The next requirement is to change how we generate the functions. For an anonymous function the generation is pretty much the same. There's really no point in going through the process of setting up the lazy JIT when the next thing to do is get the address of the function and call it. For other definitions, though, things get different as they are selected for lazy JIT.
public Value Generate( IAstNode ast, Action<CodeGeneratorException> codeGenerationErroHandler )
// Prototypes, including extern are ignored as AST generation
// adds them to the RuntimeState so that already has the declarations
if( !( ast is FunctionDefinition definition ) )
return null;
// Anonymous functions are called immediately then removed from the JIT
// so no point in setting them up as a lazy compilation item.
if( definition.IsAnonymous )
InitializeModuleAndPassManager( );
var function = ( IrFunction )definition.Accept( this );
// eagerly compile modules for anonymous functions as calling the function is the guaranteed next step
ulong jitHandle = JIT.AddEagerlyCompiledModule( Module );
var nativeFunc = JIT.GetFunctionDelegate<KaleidoscopeJIT.CallbackHandler0>( definition.Name );
var retVal = Context.CreateConstant( nativeFunc( ) );
JIT.RemoveModule( jitHandle );
return retVal;
// Unknown if any future input will call the function so don't even generate IR
// until it is needed. JIT triggers the callback to generate the IR module so the JIT
// can then generate native code only when required.
FunctionDefinition implDefinition = CloneAndRenameFunction( definition );
// register the generator as a stub with the original source name
JIT.AddLazyFunctionGenerator( definition.Name, ( ) =>
InitializeModuleAndPassManager( );
var function = ( IrFunction )implDefinition.Accept( this );
return (implDefinition.Name, function.ParentModule);
} );
return null;
catch( CodeGeneratorException ex ) when( codeGenerationErroHandler != null )
codeGenerationErroHandler( ex );
return null;
Function definitions for lazy JIT are first cloned and renamed, as discussed previously. Then a lazy function generator is registered for the name of the function. This creates the stub function exported by the function's name with a callback that knows how to generate the LLVM IR for the function. The actual code generation call back is a lambda that simply initializes a new module and pass manager, generates the function using the visitor pattern and returns the function's implementation name and the containing module as a tuple. (This is where keeping the code generation ignorant of the JIT comes in handy as the same code is called to generate a module and doesn't need to care if it is eager or lazy)
The JIT implementation will do the following after the generator callback returns:
- Add the returned module to the JIT
- Generate native code for the module
- Get the address of the implementation function
- Update the stub for the function with the address of the function instead of the internal callback
- return the address to the JIT engine so it can ultimately call the function and continue on it's merry way.
Implementing Lazy JIT support with Llvm.NET is pretty simple and straight forward. It took many times more words to describe then actual lines of code. Efficiently, supporting lazy JIT is a much more complex matter. There are trade-offs doing things lazy, in particular the application can stall for a period, while the system generates new code to run "on the fly". Optimizations, when fully enabled, add additional time to the code generation. While, for some applications, it may be obvious whether these factors matter or not, in general it's not something that can be known, thus the quest for optimal efficiency includes decisions on eager vs lazy JIT as well as optimized JIT or not. This can include lazy JIT with minimal optimization during startup of an app. Once things are up and going the engine can come back to re-generate the functions with full optimization. All sorts of possibilities exist, but the basics of how the lazy and eager generation works doesn't change no matter what approach a given language or runtime wants to use.